This version brings significant memory savings on macOS. Refer to the full changelog. Important: Due to a bug in version 1.7.1–1.8.2 you will have to manually update to the latest version by downloading the latest version from
This version brings significant memory savings on macOS. Refer to the full changelog. Important: Due to a bug in version 1.7.1–1.8.2 you will have to manually update to the latest version by downloading the latest version from
Mountain Duck 1.7 is now available with a focus on fixes for stability and performance improvements by an improved connection management. On Windows, the user interface is completely rewritten based on the Windows Presentation Foundation.
Mountain Duck 2.0 coming this spring will support transparent client-side encryption using Cryptomator interoperable vaults to secure your data on any server or cloud storage mounted.
Excited to announce Cyberduck 5.3 is now available in the Windows App Store with an easy, straightforward installation and automatic updates on Windows 10.
Both Cyberduck and Mountain Duck have support for hubiC (OVH), a low priced OpenStack Swift storage service. We have made available a connection profile that uses OAuth 2 for authentication to connect.
Open files from any Dropbox account without synchronising everything to your local hard disk. Now supported in Cyberduck and Mountain Duck. Refer to our documentation for more information.
If you have installed macOS Sierra, you can now use tabbed windows in Cyberduck 5.2 or later. You might want to enable tabs by default when choosing File → New Browser by selecting in System Preferences the checkbox Dock → Prefer tabs when opening documents: Always. New browser windows and the transfer window will then be displayed in a single window frame with a tab bar. You can merge windows with View → Show Tab Bar and Window → Merge all Windows.
Refer also to Use tabs with apps on your Mac.
Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration enables fast, easy, and secure transfers of files over long distances between your client and an S3 bucket. Transfer Acceleration takes advantage of Amazon CloudFront’s globally distributed edge locations. As the data arrives at an edge location, data is routed to Amazon S3 over an optimized network path. In general, the farther away you are from an Amazon S3 region, the higher the speed improvement (up to 300% faster) you can expect from using Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration.
Cyberduck 5.2 and Mountain Duck 1.6 now uses the accelerate endpoints for file transfers to S3 when enabled for the bucket. Refer to the wiki for more information.
Mountain Duck now ships with a Finder Extension for Mac and a File Explorer Extension on Windows. This allows us to have a context menu in the file explorer. Currently it includes options to copy URLs of files selected on the mounted remove volume and open a Terminal session to the selected working directory when connected through SSH.