App Store

Some have noted you can now find Cyberduck in the App Store! This is important for the visibility of the project in particular for new and average users on the Mac platform.

To support development we have introduced donation keys back in 2009 to give supporters of both financial and other contributions (such as localizations) something back. It greatly helped a sustainable development.

The caveat is that this model is not supported in the App Store per the developer agreement. Software asking for volontary contributions does not get approved. We have therefore opted to distribute Cyberduck in the App Store for a fixed price with no donation prompt.

It is your choice to buy the version from the App Store or download from the website and opt in for a payment if you feel like. Or not.

Cyberduck is libre (FLOSS) software and will remain so in the future. It uses a plethora of open source software libraries and its own source code and development process is open.

New ways to upload files

The latest beta supports Services (the menu you never go to but that got usable again in Mac OS X 10.6) to send files and data between applications. The support in Cyberduck, offers a nice new way to quickly upload files from the Finder to a server.

  • Using Services you can select a file to be uploaded. Choose Finder → Services → Files and Folders → Upload or right click a file in the Finder to send it to Cyberduck.
  • Alternativly you can still drag files to the application icon (for example in the Dock) as before.

The Transfers window will open with a sheet attached to select the bookmark to upload the files to.

Read more in the wiki about options for file uploads.

13. December 2010

Update: The public beta is now available. Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 required. Features in version 4.0 and onward will be on par for both Mac and Windows. For users migrating to Cyberduck from third-party software, bookmarks with connection details of various other FTP clients are imported. Users of the private beta can use the ‘Check for Update…’ feature in Cyberduck to automatically update. Spread the word and many thanks for your continued support!

Cyberduck for Windows Public Beta

The public beta of Cyberduck for Windows 4.0 is scheduled for arrival on Monday, 13. December 2010.

CloudFront for the rest of us with custom origins

Configuring a bucket in S3 to make its content available through the Amazon CloudFront CDN (Content distribution network) was always most straight forwarded in Cyberduck. Both distributions for static files and streaming can be configured using the Distribution tab of the Info panel when connected to your S3 account with a snap.

Because Amazon has now lifted the requirement to upload your content to S3 to make it available in CloudFront, their powerful CDN feature can now be used with any server used as the origin source for content. This is especially useful for content generated only on demand or where your workflow just doesn’t allow to upload content additionally to S3.

As of the latest beta and snapshot builds of Cyberduck, you can connect to any server using FTP or SFTP and configure it as the origin of a new Amazon CloudFront CDN distribution. We expect this to make CloudFront a lot more popular for users that are tied to existing server resources but want to make us of content distribution in the cloud.

Detailed usage instructions can be found in the help wiki. Give it a try!

SFTP transfer speeds

We recently did an in-depth session to analyze the reasons of inferior SFTP throughput rates for file transfers compared to OpenSSH. We have a resolution that should give much better results now that makes use of parallel requests in the SFTP protocol layer.

You can switch to the latest beta build that includes the fix to give it a try. If you are in the private beta for Windows, use Check for Update… to update automatically.