Cyberduck 2.5.1

  • [Feature] Dragging files to application icon will upload to frontmost browser
  • [Feature] Printing browser view
  • [Feature] Universal Binary
  • [Bugfix] Child items not refreshed properly in outline view
  • [Bugfix] Warning before overwrite when moving or renaming files
  • [Bugfix] Dragging files to the places them at the dropped position
  • [Bugfix] Always selecting parent directory as drop target when dragging to outline view
  • [Bugfix| Updated application and document icon
  • [Bugfix] Number of files in browser window not displayed correctly
  • [Bugfix] Don’t recurse into directories when deleting symbolic links
  • [Bugfix] Overwriting group writable files


A podcast where I was invited to is now available in the iTunes podcast directory (In german!). Can’t listen to it myself (because of the ‘your own voice sounds so different when listing to it yourself’ thing) but you might want to if you assume it is of any interest what I gabble there. The entire podcast is more than a hour (I warned you!).

Cyberduck 2.5

  • [Feature] Graphical interface refinements
  • [Bugfix] Caching issue with multiple connections to the same host
  • [Bugfix] When moving to the parent directory the previous working directory is always selected
  • [Bugfix] Selected files are always remembered when refreshing the browsing list
  • [Bugfix] Remove custom icon and resource fork after download

Cyberduck 2.5b4

  • [Feature] Updated navigation bar interface elements
  • [Bugfix] Vastly improved performance when listing directories
  • [Bugfix] Do not reconnect if connecting to the same host from a different bookmark
  • [Bugfix] Sorting history menu correctly
  • [Bugfix] Refresh issues in outline view

Cyberduck 2.5b3

  • [Localize] Catalan Localization
  • [Feature] Spotlight Importer for bookmarks
  • [Feature] Synchronize bookmarks with .Mac
  • [Feature] Send custom commands to server (FTP)
  • [Feature] Auto scrolling log view
  • [Feature] Updated application icon (Thanks to Admiral Potato)
  • [Bugfix] New connection dialog remembers field values
  • [Bugfix] Correctly parsing filenames beginning with whitespace (FTP)
  • [Bugfix] Don’t allow editing files with well known binary file length type extensions
  • [Bugfix] Excluding individual files when synchronising
  • [Bugfix] Improved stability using outline view
  • [Bugfix] Remember sorted column and direction
  • [Bugfix] Sort child items in browser outline view

Cyberduck 2.5b2

  • [Localize] Indonesian Localization
  • [Bugfix] Resorting browser view will not change selection
  • [Bugfix] Remember state of expanded items in outline view
  • [Bugfix] Applescript issues
  • [Feature] Updated to Growl 0.7
  • [Feature] Edit menu shows all available editors

Cyberduck 2.4.6

  • [Bugfix] Right-click a file in the browser will first select before it displays the contextual menu
  • [Bugfix] Transfer success notification when remote editing file even when transfer fails (Growl)
  • [Bugfix] Resolved incompatibility with SSH-1 keys in ~/.ssh/known_hosts (SFTP)
  • [Bugfix] Applescript compatiblity issues with 10.4
  • [Bugfix] Browser column width compatiblity issues with 10.4
  • [Bugfix] Could not drag bookmark file to drawer when empty
  • [Bugfix] Ignored custom port when selecting bookmark in connection dialog