Snow Leopard Compatibility Update

Update. Cyberduck 3.3 has been released.

The new cat will be let out of the bag next month earlier than anticipated. Cyberduck is getting ready. Lot of work has been put into Snow Leopard compatibility recently with a shift to Rococoa instead of the deprecated bindings used before. Thanks to Duncan McGregor and the Rococoa community for their work which serves as the new solid foundation for Cyberduck to build upon.

Please test the latest beta release to help make the transition as smooth as possible. Be sure to report any rough edges you may find.

The beta currently has the following limitations:

  • No MobileMe bookmark synchronization when running as 64bit application. Use the Finder Info panel to select Open in 32-bit mode for the application bundle if you need this feature.
  • No AppleScript support beside basic Open URL events from third party applications like web browsers.
  • No Dashboard Widget whatsoever as this uses the AppleScript interface.

The current beta requires an Intel processor and Mac OS X 10.5 or later. Progress is tracked in ticket #3039.

Latest S3 improvements for content distribution fine tuning

The latest 3.2.1 point release was a maintenance release but brought much better Amazon S3 integration for those serious about content delivery using the Amazon CloudFront infrastructure. For those who have skipped the release notes, a quick reminder of the new features that let you control and fine tune your distributions from within Cyberduck.

  • If you want to distribute content using BitTorrent, the Info window now displays the URL for the selected file.
  • Temporary publicly accessible URLs are displayed in the Info window also in the S3 section. This allows to give URLs to third parties to access content that is generally not accessible from anonymous users.
  • Access Logging can be configured for both S3 and CloudFront. Log files are stored under logs/ the S3 bucket
  • To control caching, a Cache-Control header can be configured for files. This allows you to minimize access costs for static content.

For more details, refer to the Cyberduck Wiki help section on S3.

Expect support for the Rackspace CloudFiles logging feature announced yesterday in an upcoming release.